Report from Bilderberger Meetings
Good News: 1998 Was an Awful Year for Internationalists
This is the Headline from the late December issue of Spotlight, the world known newspaper, famous for having reported from the Bilderberg meeting for 23 years now.
For the first time a secret Bilderberg meeting was revealed and leaked to the media. A storm of publicity has now distressed the world's leading financiers, multinational businessmen and political traitors, when they were caught hiding in a remote area of Scotland.
Then the light of publicity put the breaks on the Bilderberg agenda for creating a world government.
On the protocol for 1998 was a prepare for creating a permanent World Court, that would be superior to the US Supreme Court and that of all nations. So many Americans now became enlightened about the proposed surrender of national sovereignty.
President Clinton, himself a Bilderberger and a Trilateral member, strongly supporting the agendas toward an International World State, was forced to momentarily back away, saying the global treaty establishing such a court must be improved. And without US participation the court goes nowhere. Clinton's back-away is tactical only; he does want a world court.
Typically enough, even though the meeting was exposed, the big newspapers like The Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times remained silent - members from their newspapers were actually present on the meeting to participate in the plot against humanity.
For the first time, instead of standing alone outside the gates where the Bilderbergers hold their yearly meetings (different secret places every year), the Spotlight-reporter was a part of a mass of reporters from all over the place; there were even broadcasters and photographers. Everybody exchanged information.
The result was extensive coverage - detailed stories with liberal use of photographs - by leading publications and broadcasters throughout the United Kingdom. These included The Scotsman, The Mail on Sunday, Punch Magazine, The London Sunday Times, The Press Gazette of Scotland among others. TV and radio was there, too.
This caused hysteria within the Bilderberg members, who have succeeded to keep their meeting quite secret since 1954, when they all started, founded by David Rockefeller, who still participates.
Citizens started to ask the Parliament about Bilderberg. Members of Parliament in their turn began to demand information. An investigation of Bilderberg is on the table!
Source: SPOTLIGHT December 28 1998